
How To Do Rear Delt Cable Pull Correctly

Rear Delt Cable Pull also known as rear delt row primarily target the posterior deltoids of the shoulder, which are often neglected by other shoulder exercises. You use a cable pulley machine to pull the weight straight toward your forehead. rear delt cable pull

Exercising the rear delts will prevent muscular imbalance and build overall shoulder strength. This exercise isn’t hard to do as long as you pay attention to your form. rear delt cable pull

You can use rear delt high cable Pull as part of an upper body strength training regimen.

Standing Cable Rear Delt Pull

The standing cable rear delt pull with rope is a very effective and functional exercise for building muscle and strength in the posterior deltoids.

The standing rear delt cable pull primarily targets the posterior deltoids. This movement also hits the traps, rhomboids, and biceps. It is usually performed for moderate to high reps, at least 8-12 reps per set, as part of an upper-body or shoulder-focused workout. rear delt cable pull

And by using cables, you’re keeping tension on the rear delts which is very beneficial for maximizing muscle hypertrophy.

rear delt cable pull
rear delt cable pull

Muscles Worked

Primary Movers: Posterior deltoid

Secondary Muscles: Traps, Biceps, Rhomboids, Lateral Deltoid, Infraspinatus Teres Minor and Forearms

How To Do

  1. Attach a double-grip rope to a cable pulley about mid-chest level.
  2. Grasp one end of the rope in each hand and step backward until the rope is pulled taut and your arms and shoulders are stretched forward.
  3. Keep your lower back upright and slide your hips back so that your knees are slightly bent.
  4. Keeping your elbows out to the sides, exhale as you pull the rope towards your shoulders until your elbows travel passed your back.
  5. Slowly return the rope to the starting position.



  • Retract your shoulder blades to keep your rear delts engaged during the exercise.
  • Pull the rope outward during the positive portion of the rep, so your elbows are flared out, which will really stimulate the rear deltoids. rear delt cable pull
  • Maintaining the right posture while working out is extremely important.

Modifications and Variations

This exercise can be done in a few different ways to make it more accessible or to target your muscles in new ways. rear delt cable pull

You can use a high cable or even a medium cable, provided you adjust the angle of your body so that your elbows and the angle of the cable are perpendicular to your torso. rear delt cable pull

1. Kneeling Rear Delt Rope Pull

Kneeling Rear Delt Rope Pull is a tremendous exercise that effectively works many muscles, including the shoulder, back, wing, and trapezius muscles.

Using Kneeling rear delt high rope pull gives people with shoulder issues an exercise to get the benefits of rows. In addition, face pull is one of the most effective corrective exercises that help compensate for poor posture and shoulder dysfunction. rear delt cable pull

rear delt cable pull
rear delt cable pull

How To Do

  1. Set the cable up at a high point with the rope attachments
  2. Grab the rope with both hands using an overhand grip, then take a step back and get onto knees facing the cable machine rear delt cable pull
  3. Starting with your arms stretched out and away, pull back through your elbows until your hands are just in front of your shoulders
  4. Slowly return to starting position. Repeat for desired reps.


  • Don’t lean backwards to pull the weight towards you.
  • Focus on the mind-muscle connection to pull down by using your back muscles.

2. Face Pull

Face pull is a cable machine exercise that primarily targets the rear deltoid and to a lesser degree also targets the biceps, triceps, and traps. Use a cable pulley machine to pull the weight straight toward your forehead.

This exercise prevents muscular imbalance and builds overall shoulder strength.

Do not confuse the standing cable rear delt row with the cable face pull. As you pull, ensure the elbows stay high, and the rope remains at eye level. rear delt cable pull

Ensure you set the cable at face height rather than at the top of the machine, as this may over recruit the lats and negate some scapular upward rotation benefits. rear delt cable pull

rear delt cable pull
rear delt cable pull

How To Do

  1. Grab the ends of the rope attachment using a neutral grip (palms facing each other) and slightly lean back.
  2. Pull the rope toward your face as you spread the ends of the rope, so they end up on the sides of your ears just above your shoulders in the finish position.
  3. Hold this position for as second as you squeeze your shoulder blades together, contracting rear delts.
  4. Then slowly return the rope to the start position and repeat for reps.


  • Stand straight with feet in a comfortable balanced stance.
  • Be sure to exhale when pulling weight toward your face.
  • Think about trying to pinch your shoulder blades as tight as possible when pulling weight toward your face.
  • Your upper arms should be straight out to your sides with elbows bent.


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