Biceps WorkoutsFitnessWorkouts



Sun’s out guns out with the ultimate best biceps workout for men. Not only do large, toned biceps look great, but the bicep muscles are also responsible for a considerable amount of arm function and movement. Boost arm day at the gym with exercises that target all parts of the biceps and supporting muscles. The workout below also aims to work the muscles through all of their functions, from turning the forearm, to bending the elbow and moving the shoulder. Level up with combo sets that allow you to load the weight, plus incorporate resistance bands to eliminate weak parts of some classic exercises.

Bicep Muscles

The bicep muscles help to move both the shoulder and elbow joints, as well as twist the forearm. This muscle creates a lot of your general arm movement and function. The main muscle is the two-headed biceps brachii, which sits at the front of your arm and is the most visible arm muscle. It’s supported by the deeper brachialis muscle, and brachioradialis in your forearm. Understanding the make-up of your bicep muscles will allow you to hit your workout harder and more efficiently, for maximum gains.

Bicep Muscles
Bicep Muscles

Biceps Brachii — Short Head

The short head of the biceps brachii sits on the inner front of the arm, closest to the chest. It attaches to the scapula and elbow.

Biceps Brachii — Long Head

The long head of the muscle sits on the outer side of the front of the arm, attaching from above the shoulder joint, down to the elbow.


Attaching from mid-humerus, the brachialis sits deeper than the biceps brachii and supports the flexing of the elbow joint.


Sitting lower down in your forearm is the brachioradialis, which assists the biceps brachii with flexing the elbow joint.


Best Bicep Workout and Exercises

The best biceps workout way to make the perfect biceps workout is to get the muscle working through all three of its key functions — twisting the forearm, bending the elbow, and flexing the shoulder. Curls are going to be the basis of each move because you’re working a hinge joint. However, to elevate your exercises, you need to challenge each muscle more by increasing the intensity of each move. Additionally, you need to take the muscle through the full range of motion, from complete contraction to full extension. This workout is based on the ATHLEAN-X program from Jeff Cavaliere. He was the Head Physical Therapist and Assistant Strength Coach for the New York Mets. Plus, he has a Masters Degree in Physical Training and is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. As such, in addition to being crazy fit himself, his workouts are backed by science.

1a. Barbell Cheat Curls

Set number one of the ultimate biceps workout has two parts that should be completed as a drop set. This is a big exercise that will allow you to overload your weights. Your biceps are stronger as you lower the weight than when you lift it. Therefore, by doing a cheat curl, you can use a heavier weight that’s going to work your arms more as you lower the barbell, creating bigger mass. best biceps workout


Barbell Curl
Barbell Curl



  • Choose a weight that’s a slightly heavier than you’d typically use in a barbell curl.
  • Stand with your feet just wider than hip-width apart, back straight and core engaged.
  • Start with the barbell down, holding it with your palms facing forward.
  • Lift the barbell to chest height. As this is a cheat curl, you can use momentum to lift the bar, by engaging muscles other than your biceps and using a slight swing. Keep in mind that you don’t want to lean backward though. You should maintain a straight back at the top of the move.  best biceps workout
  • Slowly lower the barbell back to the starting position, thereby working the muscles harder as they lower.
  • Repeat until failure, then immediately move into barbell drag curls.  best biceps workout

Sets: 3

Reps: To failure

1b. Barbell Drag Curls 

Barbell drag curls are going to shift the focus of the move to preference the long head of the bicep. As another big move, you can use the same weights as from the barbel cheat curls. The goal of this exercise is to move your elbows to behind your body, rather than up in front. best biceps workout

Barbell Drag Curl
Barbell Drag Curl




  • Start in the same position that you held in the barbel cheat curl — feet just wider than hip-width, back straight, core engaged, palms facing forward. best biceps workout
  • Lift the bar up, focussing on pulling your elbows behind your torso. The bar should stay close to your body, stopping at your lower ribcage at the top of the move.  best biceps workout
  • As you do this, keep your elbows tucked in, you don’t want them splayed out to the sides.
  • Lower back down with control.  best biceps workout
  • Repeat until failure, then rest, before repeating the drop set another two times.

Sets: 3

Reps: To failure

2. Weighted Chin-ups

The classic weighted chin-up is another excellent option for loading up the biceps with big weights. This works the biceps through all three of their functions. The arm is moving at both the shoulder and the elbow, plus the forearm is twisted away from the body. This is another exercise to perform as a drop set, combined with the peak contraction chin curls.


Weighted Chin Ups
Weighted Chin Ups




  • Attach your chosen weight around your waist.
  • Hold onto the chin-up bar, with your palms facing towards you. Keep your body as straight as you can, with your core engaged. best biceps workout
  • Start with your arms extended, and pull yourself up, so your chin is above the bar.
  • Try not to swing your body in order to get yourself up, focus on using just your arms and shoulders.
  • Repeat until failure, then immediately move into the peak contraction chin curls.

Sets: 3

Reps: To failure

3. Banded Dumbbell Curls

Dumbbell curls are another classic exercise to include in your biceps workout. It works two of the bicep functions well — the bending of the elbow, and twisting of the forearm. This time, however, you’re going to engage beast mode by adding resistance bands. The exercise’s strength curve sees it getting easier as you reach the top of the move. Hence, to maintain the difficulty the whole way through the move, the resistance bands add that extra challenge as you reach the top. best biceps workout


Banded Dumbbell Curls




  • Set yourself up with your resistance band. Hook the bottom of the band under your feet, toes pointing straight out in front.
  • Hold the barbells, as well as the resistance band in both hands.
  • Start with your arms by your side.
  • Lift the weights up to shoulder height, palms facing towards you. The resistance bands should be tight enough that you’re really feeling it through the top half of the lift.
  • Slowly lower the weight back to hip height, with control.
  • Repeat until failure, for three sets.


Sets: 3

Reps: To failure


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