Back ExercisesCable ExercisesExercises

Cable Exercises For A Brolic Back

Cable Exercises For A Brolic Back

Building a strong back is an important part of any effective workout routine, and cable exercises for a brolic back are a great way to target those muscles and see real gains. Cable exercises for your back utilize pulleys and weights connected with cables to provide dynamic tension, which allows the muscles to be trained in multiple planes of motion, further developing the muscle fibers for increased strength and definition. Here are some great cable exercises for building a powerful and brolic back. cable exercises for a brolic back

Cable Rows

The cable row is one of the most popular exercises for developing back muscles, as it engages both your upper and lower body muscles. To perform a cable row, you’ll need to start by setting the cable machine so that the pulley is at its lowest height and the weight setting is appropriate for you. Then, grab the bar and sit down, keeping your feet firmly planted on the ground. Maintaining a neutral spine, slowly draw the bar towards your chest, ensuring that your elbows travel behind your body. Squeeze your shoulder blades together as you reach the top of the motion and slowly let the bar return to its original position. Aim for 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions. cable exercises for a brolic back

Lat Pulldowns

The lat pulldown is another cable exercise that can help you build a stronger, more defined back. To begin, sit down at the cable machine, adjusting the weight and pulley height to suit your needs. Grab the bar with an overhand grip and make sure your hands are slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Keeping your core engaged, pull the bar down toward your chest until it reaches your collarbone. Make sure to keep your torso still throughout the movement, and remember to squeeze your shoulder blades together at the bottom of the motion. Slowly return the bar to its original position and repeat for 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

Reverse Cable Flies

Reverse cable flies are a great way to add definition to your lats and upper back muscles. Begin by setting the cable pulley to its highest height and the appropriate weight. Step away from the machine and grab the handle with both hands. Leaning against the machine, extend your arms over the top of your head, bringing the handle out with you. Keeping your arms straight, slowly draw the handle back towards your body until it reaches yours hips. Pause for few seconds, then slowly lengthen your arms as you return the handle to its original position. Remember to keep your shoulder blades loose and wide as you approach the top of the motion. Aim for 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions. cable exercises for a brolic back

Cable Woodchops

Cable woodchops are a great exercise to target the obliques and strengthen core muscles. To begin, adjust the cable to its lowest height and the proper weight. Stand in an athletic stance, feet slightly wider than your shoulders, and grab the handle with both hands. Fully extend your arms outwards, then pull them back in towards your torso in a wide arc, mimicking the motion of chopping wood. As you rotate your body, pause for a moment when the cable handle reaches your opposite hip, then slowly return the handle to its original position. Make sure to keep your core engaged throughout the entire range of motion. Perform 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions for each side. cable exercises for a brolic back


Cable exercises for a brolic back can be an excellent way of targeting the back muscles and encouraging real gains. They combine both strength and stability training, meaning you get maximum results from every rep. If you’re looking for a comprehensive back exercise program, try integrating these five exercises into your routine and you’re sure to get a strong, healthy and brolic back in no time.

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