Chest WorkoutsWorkouts

Chest Workout At Home No Bench No Problem

Chest Workout At Home No Bench No Problem

Chest workout at home no bench no problem, gaining a well-defined and strong chest doesn’t have to involve expensive gym memberships or bulky equipment taking up space in your home.

With just a few simple exercises, you can sculpt your chest muscles from the comfort of your own home. Plus, working out at home means you don’t have to worry about waiting for equipment.

A well-shaped chest is one of the most important qualities of a good physique.

We will talk about the following points in this blog.

  • Chest anatomy
  • How to build a bigger and stronger chest at home
  • Benefit of doing chest workout at home
  • Best exercises that focus on the chest muscles.
  • The best at-home chest workout routines with bodyweight and dumbbells

Know About Your Chest Muscles

The chest is made up of several muscles, including the

  • Pectoralis major,
  • Pectoralis minor,
  • Serratus anterior,
  • Intercostal muscles.

The pectoralis major is the largest muscle in the chest and is responsible for most of the movement in the upper body.

Pec major consists of two parts: the clavicular head, which runs from the collarbone to the upper arm, and the sternal head, which runs from the sternum to the upper arm.

The pectoralis minor is located beneath the pectoralis major and is responsible for stabilizing the shoulder blade.

The serratus anterior is located on the side of the chest and is responsible for rotating the shoulder blade.

The intercostal muscles are located between the ribs and are responsible for expanding and contracting the chest during breathing.

Chest Workout At Home No Bench No Problem
Chest Workout At Home No Bench No Problem

Benefit Of Doing Chest Exercises At Home

Several reasons why you should do a chest workout at home.

  • Chest workouts at home eliminate the need for expensive gym memberships or bulky equipment. It allows you to save time and money.
  • It affords a greater level of variety, which prevents physical and mental burnout.
  • Dumbbell and Bodyweight chest exercises allow the joints to move naturally within their range of motion, creating more joint stability.
  • Chest exercises not only target the chest muscles but also work other upper body muscles such as the shoulders, triceps, and back.
  • Working out at home provides a comfortable and private environment where you can exercise without feeling self-conscious around others.
  • At home chest workout are perfect for the at-home exerciser with the limited space.

How To Build A Chest At Home

There are many excellent exercises that will help you build a bigger and stronger chest at home. You don’t need a gym or special equipment to do them.

These workouts can include bodyweight exercises like push-ups, and chest flys, as well as exercises with dumbbells.

It is a convenient and effective way to build strength, improve muscle tone, and enhance overall fitness at home

Here I am going to show you some guidelines that will help you start your chest workout regimen.

1. Start With Bodyweight Exercises

Begin with bodyweight exercises like push-ups.

These exercises can be performed anywhere, require no equipment, and are great for building foundational strength.

2. Target Different Areas Of The Chest

Change your hand and arm positions during exercises to target different areas of your chest.

For example, a narrow grip push-up targets the inner chest, while a wide grip push-up targets the outer chest.

3. Use More Challenging Exercise Variations

Progressive overload is the key to building strength and muscle.

Add decline push ups, one arm push ups, and weighted push ups to your home workout routine to make the chest workout more challenging.

4. Add Dumbbells Exercises

As you get stronger, add dumbbells to make your workout more challenging and add variety.

Exercises like dumbbell chest press, floor dumbbell pullovers, and chest flys can be done at home with minimal equipment.

5. Increase Intensity Gradually

As you become stronger, you can gradually increase the intensity of your workouts by adding more resistance or increasing the number of reps or sets.

Best At Home Chest Exercise To Build Mass And Strength

Now, let’s get into the best chest workout you can do at home with dumbbells and bodyweight to build a massive and well-shaped chest.

We have created the chest exercises to many sections such as:

  • Dumbbell only chest exercises at Home
  • Bodyweight chest exercises (No Equipments).

Bodyweight Chest Workout At Home

You can perform a variety of chest exercises with your bodyweight, without the need for any equipment.

Do not worry if you do not have a bench, all the bodyweight exercises described here can be easily done on the floor or using home materials.

1. Knee Push-Up

The knee push-up, also known as a modified type push-up, is a bodyweight exercise that works for muscle groups throughout your upper body.

The knee push-up is a brilliant exercise for beginners. If you’re having trouble performing a full push-up, practice an easier push-up variation, the knee push-up.


Chest Workout At Home No Bench No Problem
Chest Workout At Home No Bench No Problem

How To Do Knee Push-Ups

  1. Kneel on the floor. Extend arms and put hands shoulder-width apart on the floor in front of you.
  2. Lower yourself by flexing your elbows so that your chest comes within a few inches of the floor, making sure your body is in a straight line from your head to your knees.
  3. Raise your body to the starting position by pushing up with your arms.
  4. Repeat the desired number of repetitions.

2. Incline Push-Ups

If you have trouble doing the basic push up, incline pushups are a good way to start.

The exercise reduces the amount of body weight you are lifting and puts less stress on your elbows.

It’s perfect for beginners who want to build upper body strength at home.

Because of the incline surface, more of the lower chest, shoulder muscles, and triceps are used in incline push-ups.


Chest Workout At Home No Bench No Problem
Chest Workout At Home No Bench No Problem

How To Do Incline Push Ups

  1. Stand in front of the bench or box. Place the hands shoulder-width apart on the edge of the bench.
  2. Adopt an incline plank position by extending the legs backward until the legs and back form a straight line.
  3. Slowly bend the arms to lower the chest toward the bench. Remember to keep the elbows and arms close to the body.
  4. Slowly push the body away from the bench, extending the arms but maintaining a slight bend in the elbow.
  5. Repeat the movement for the desired number of repetitions.


  • Breathe out as you push your body back up, and inhale as you lower your body down.
  • Stand at a comfortable distance from the bench.
  • If you are new to push-ups, you should start with a wall push up and gradually work your way down to the ground to increase the difficulty.

3. Push-Ups

Push-Ups are a popular bodyweight exercise that can be done anywhere without the need for equipment.

It is the best bodyweight calisthenics exercise to build your entire upper body, shoulders, chest, and arms.

Check how to do them correctly and blast your muscles at home.

Push-Ups can be a real challenge if done in various forms. Intensity is the key here to building muscle and strength.

Chest Workout At Home No Bench No Problem
Chest Workout At Home No Bench No Problem

How To Do Push Ups

  1. Start in a plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart and your feet together.
  2. Lower your body towards the ground by bending your elbows, keeping your body in a straight line.
  3. Stop when your chest is a few inches off the ground.
  4. Push back up by straightening your arms.
  5. Repeat for the desired number of reps.


  • Keep your elbows close to your body.
  • Keep your body in a straight line and engage your core.
  • For more variations, you do incline push-ups, decline ups.

4. Narrow Grip Push-Ups

Close hand push-ups, often referred to as narrow grip push-ups.

Narrow grip push-ups are a variation of the traditional push-up exercise that primarily targets the triceps muscles, but also engages the chest and shoulder muscles.

Close push-ups are done by positioning the hands close to each other. It is one of the more challenging variations of the push-up because of the narrower base of support.

To make them more challenging, you can elevate your feet, perform them with one hand on a medicine ball or other unstable surface, or add a resistance band.

To make them easier, you can perform them with your knees on the ground or against a wall.

Chest Workout At Home No Bench No Problem
Chest Workout At Home No Bench No Problem

How To Do Narrow Grip Push Ups

  1. Lay face down on the ground with your legs straight, palm near, and arms supporting the upper body.
  2. You should take a narrower push-up stance than you normally would do.
  3. Now raise yourself off the ground, straightening your elbows and your arms.
  4. Pause for a moment at the top of the movement.
  5. Now lower your body slowly and steadily until your chest is close to the ground.


  • Exhale while you exert.
  • Avoid letting the elbows flare out, or point out to the side.
  • Don’t lock your arms on the way up.

5. Decline Push-Ups

Decline push-ups are a variation of the traditional push-up exercise in which the feet are elevated on a bench or step, placing more emphasis on the upper chest and shoulders.

Additionally, since your lower body is raised from the floor, the resistance your body provides is increased compared to doing the push-up on the floor. This makes the decline push-up harder than the standard push-up.

Chest Workout At Home No Bench No Problem
Chest Workout At Home No Bench No Problem

How To Do Decline Push Ups

  1. Find a sturdy bench or step and place your feet on top of it
  2. Your hands are placed firmly on the floor and spaced slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  3. Lower your body until your chest almost touches the ground, making sure to keep your elbows close to your sides.
  4. Push your body back up, extending your elbows to return to the starting position.
  5. Repeat the movement for the desired number of repetitions.


  • Make sure to keep your body in a straight line
  • Don’t let your hips sag or raise up, as this can put stress on your lower back.
  • Keep your elbows tucked in close to your body.

6. Chair Chest Dip

The chair chest dip is a bodyweight exercise that targets the chest, triceps, and shoulders.

It is a great exercise to incorporate into your at-home chest workout routine, as it requires minimal equipment.

How To Do Chair Chest Dip

  • Place your hands on the edge of the chairs
  • Bent your knees slightly bent.
  • Lower your body by bending your elbows.
  • Pause briefly at the bottom of the movement.
  • Then push yourself back up to the starting position by straightening your arms.
  • Repeat for the desired number of reps.

Dumbbell Chest Workout At Home

If you are not interested in investing in dumbbells, you can use water bottles, steel and tin cans, bricks, bags, or any other handy alternative that still allows for the best chest workouts.

1. Dumbbell Floor Press

A dumbbell floor press is a good way to add muscle mass to your chest at home.

The floor press is not merely a basic version of the bench press, but also a useful tool for when there is no bench available.

The dumbbells require better coordination, which forces the stabilizing muscles to assist.

Chest Workout At Home No Bench No Problem
Chest Workout At Home No Bench No Problem

How To Do Dumbbell Floor Press

  1. Lie down on the floor and keep your feet on the floor for better balance with a dumbbell in each hand.
  2. Hold the Dumbbells straight overhead, palms facing forwards.
  3. Now, lower the weights to your outer chest, stretching the chest to the maximum at the bottom.
  4. Now, raise it until your arms are nearly locked out, keep dumbbells very close to each other.


  • Keep a controlled motion, and avoid jerky movements.
  • Exhale on the pulling up motion and inhale on the way down

2. Squeeze Press

The squeeze press is the best exercise that primarily targets the upper chest and inner chest, and to a lesser degree that also targets the shoulders and triceps.

This exercise can be integrated into the chest workout to increase muscle size and definition.

The squeeze press is a great exercise that you can easily add to your chest workout. If you don’t have a plate, you can use a dumbbell instead.

Chest Workout At Home No Bench No Problem
Chest Workout At Home No Bench No Problem

How To Do Squeeze Press

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart
  2. Grab the plates/dumbbells and squeeze them together with your palms.
  3. Bring the plates to the middle of your chest, extend your arms forward and slightly upward.
  4. Contract your chest as hard as possible.
  5. Reverse your arms in the exact same movement pattern.


  • Use a controlled tempo to push your arms up and forward.
  • Make sure to keep your core tight and your chest up.

3. Standing Upward Chest Fly

Standing dumbbell chest fly is a good exercise to target your upper chest.

You can make your chest area wider and more developed with only a pair of dumbbells.

It is a great exercise for targeting the chest muscles, shoulders, and triceps while also engaging the core and improving balance.

Chest Workout At Home No Bench No Problem
Chest Workout At Home No Bench No Problem

How To Do Standing Chest Fly

  1. In a standing position, hold a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing upward.
  2. Make sure your feet are shoulder-width apart.
  3. Press the weights up, squeeze them together as hard as you can.
  4. Hold the squeeze at the top for a second before lowering the weights back down to your chest.
  5. Repeat for several sets of reps.


  • Make sure to keep your elbows slightly bent and your core engaged throughout the exercise.
  • Do it with weight to moderate weights.

4. Floor Dumbbell Squeeze Press

The floor dumbbell squeeze press is a variation of the dumbbell squeeze press that is performed on the floor.

It is one of the most effective chest pressing exercises which targets the chest, front shoulder and tricep,

During the floor squeeze press, you squeeze the dumbbells together as hard as you can.

How To Do Floor Dumbbell Squeeze Press

  1. Lie down on your back on a mat or the floor.
  2. Hold two dumbbells at chest level, with the weights touching and your palms facing each other.
  3. Bend your knees and place your feet flat on the floor.
  4. Tighten your core and press the dumbbells up towards the ceiling.
  5. As you press the weights up, squeeze them together as hard as you can.
  6. Hold the squeeze at the top for a second before lowering the weights back down to your chest.
  7. Repeat for several sets of reps.


  • Keep the back flat on the ground throughout the exercise.
  • Breathe out on the way up.
  • Maintain more tension through the pecs by not locking out the elbows entirely.

5. Dumbbell Floor Pullover

The Dumbbell floor pullover is a compound exercise that works multiple muscle groups.

It is a great exercise to do at home to strengthen the chest muscles and improve upper body strength and flexibility.

This exercise is done lying on the floor with a dumbbell to build complete chest and back strength.

Chest Workout At Home No Bench No Problem
Chest Workout At Home No Bench No Problem

How To Do Dumbbell Floor Pullover

  1. Lie down on the floor and keep your feet on the floor for better balance.
  2. Hold one dumbbell with both hands, and get it straight over your chest.
  3. Lower the dumbbell in an arc slowly, getting a good stretch in your rib cage.
  4. Lower the dumbbell as far as possible, and then raise it back to the starting position.
  5. Repeat the desire number of reps.


  • Maximizing stretching ensures the greatest expansion of the rib cage.
  • Relax your hips, and let them fall, as relaxed hips help in extra expansion.

Training Volume (Sets And Reps)

The number of repetitions (reps) and sets you perform for chest exercises will depend on your goals and current fitness level.

Here are some general guidelines:


  • Beginners: ~10 sets per week.
  • Intermediate: ~15 sets per week.
  • Advanced: ~20 sets per week.

When a certain amount of volume stops being effective and your progress stalls, you can add sets to increase volume and use that as a driver of renewed progress.


The best rep ranges and loads to work with.

  • 6–8 reps for strength
  • 8–15 reps for muscle hypertrophy
  • 15-20+ reps for endurance

Training Plan As Per Your Goal

  1. For muscle endurance: Aim for 3–4 sets of 12–15 reps, with a moderate amount of resistance.
  2. For muscle strength: Aim for 3–5 sets of 6–10 reps, with a heavier amount of resistance.
  3. For muscle hypertrophy (increased muscle size): Aim for 3–4 sets of 8–12 reps, with a moderate to heavy amount of resistance.

It is always best to start with a lower number of reps and sets, and then gradually increase as your strength improves.

Furthermore, it is important to allow for adequate rest between sets, typically 60–90 seconds.

Incorporating a mix of bodyweight exercises, cardio, and weight training can help to achieve a balanced and well-rounded workout routine.

Workout Samples For Beginner, Intermediate & Advance

Bodyweight Chest Workout Routine For Beginner

Here is a beginner bodyweight chest workout routine that can be done at the home:

Exercise Sets Repetitions
Knee Push-Ups 3-4 8-10
Incline Push Ups 3-4 8
Standard Push Up 4 8-10

This workout plan is a starting point that can be adjusted based on individual fitness levels and goals.

Intermediate Bodyweight At Home Chest Workout

Exercise Sets Repetitions
Decline Push-Ups 4 15-20
One Arm Push Ups 3-4 10-12
Chest Dip 4 12-15

This workout plan is a starting point that can be adjusted based on individual fitness levels and goals.

At Home Dumbbell Chest Workout Routine For Beginner

Here’s a beginner chest exercises routine with dumbbells that you can do at home:

Exercise Sets Reps
Dumbbell Floor Press 3-4 8-10
Squeeze Press 3-4 8
Dumbbell Floor Pullover 4 8-10

Intermediate Dumbbell At Home Chest Workout

Here’s a dumbbell chest exercises routine with dumbbells that you can do at home:

Exercise Sets Reps
Dumbbell Floor Press 4 8-10
Standing Upward Chest Fly 4 10-12
Dumbbell Floor Pullover 3-4 8-10
Floor Dumbbell Squeeze Press 3 8


Can I Build Chest Muscles At Home Without Equipment?

Yes, you can build chest muscles at home without any equipment by doing bodyweight exercises like push-ups, and variations of these exercises.

What Are Some Exercises That You Can Do With A Dumbbell At Home?

Some exercises to do at home include standing chest fly, floor dumbbell squeeze press, dumbbell floor pullover, and standing squeeze press.

Can I Do Chest Exercises Every Day?

It is not recommended to do chest exercises every day, as your muscles need time to recover and grow.

Before training your chest muscles again, please give them at least 48 hours of rest.

Can I Do Chest Exercises Without A Bench?

Yes, you can do chest exercises without a bench by performing bodyweight exercises like push-ups or using dumbbells for exercises like standing chest fly and floor dumbbell squeeze press.

How Many Chest Exercises Per Week

It is recommended to do 3-5 chest exercises per week, with at least 48 hours of rest between each workout.


Building a strong chest can be achieved through a combination of bodyweight and dumbbell exercises.

This chest workout plan at home is highly recommended for anyone interested in building chest strength and gaining muscle.

It not only allows for targeted muscle development, but also provides an overall body workout.

It is easy to do and requires no more scientific details. If done consistently, the results will speak by themselves.

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