

Hey, guys!

Over my gymnasium journey, I’ve gone to plenty of totally different gyms throughout the U.S. and have had a handful of colourful experiences. Apparently sufficient, nearly all of *awkward* conditions I have been in have at all times been at my dwelling gyms.

On this video, I’ve compiled 6 of the most typical gymnasium “errors” to keep away from. Not all of those are essentially “errors”, however extra so issues to maintain a watch out for! A few of these could appear apparent, however all those I’ve included are ones that I’ve skilled personally and see completed commonly at my very own gymnasium.

As at all times, all of our gymnasium journeys of ones of studying & rising, so by no means really feel dangerous should you discover that you simply may need completed one among these before–so have I.

What else would you add to this checklist of issues to keep away from doing on the gymnasium??

(Total outfit is from Alphalete Athletics)

*This video and outline comprises affiliate hyperlinks from which I get a small fee. This doesn’t change something in your finish, however permits me to maintain on making movies for you guys!

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  1. One thing i noticed is the post workout wandering faces. So you see someone who just finished a tough set, they are sweaty and they go into this posture pause when resting.. you would think they are staring at you but really they are not so don't feel like you are being judged! Really when you are wandering you have no control over who your eyes land on

  2. Could you please do a video on how to transition from smith machine to barbells? I’ve been using the smith for months now and can lift pretty heavy with it. But last week when I tried using a barbell with just 60% of my normal weights, I was struggling bec I was kind of swinging from side to side from imbalance. 😪

  3. Thank you so much for your videos!! Omg, the part about removing plates when you're done with exercise – I experienced this yesterday. Someone left 45 lb plates on a barbell and I'm on the smaller side, so it was a struggle removing them but thank goodness I got help. Wish more people would clean up after themselves.

  4. I had someone literally walk away from the seated cable row, walked across the gym to another machine, so I assumed they were done grabbed the attachment and started using it. The dude comes back 5 minutes later and he had the audacity to literally take the attachment back and said "I wasn't done". I had already done 2 sets at this point and would have been totally okay with him ASKING if he could get his last set in, but he just took it!

  5. Summary:
    1. Don’t invade personal space of others
    2. Don’t use equipment that’s already being used
    3. Don’t leave equipment around
    4. Don’t unrack one side of the barbell first
    5. Don’t feel rushed when using a high demand equipment
    6. You don’t need to use clamps on the smith machine

  6. absolutely love your videos! your “how to” gym tutorials are fantastic and BY FAR the best I’ve seen on youtube!!

    your instructions are clear, helpful and easy to follow, you’ve helped me gain confidence using machines i would never have tried before and wanted to say thank you naomi!! 💕genuinely one of the best fitness channels on youtube!!

  7. I am on week 4 of your Build II Program and have been in the gym consistently 5-6xs a week for the past two months and I literally can’t believe the changes I’ve seen – in my mind and my body – I wish I could post the photo in here to encourage others to get your program! You were the first person I found on YouTube who explained everything perfectly and took the fear out of the machines at the gym – thank you for all you do! ♥️

  8. Hey girl, I just wanted to thank you for all your videos. I found you ~9 months ago when I started my fitness journey and you really helped me feel confident and enjoy my time at the gym. I’ve stayed consistent since then and have learned so much from you and other great creators here. I couldn’t have done it with you!

    And to all the new people getting into fitness: stick with it, I promise it’s worth it. Both mentally and physically

  9. That is so annoying when people ask” how many sets do you have left* it doesn’t happen unless I’m done with the machine. I’ve noticed the time that I go to the gym…it’s usually the same group of us there. It’s so consistent that I know when my fellow gym homies are doing lower or upper body😂 it’s a smaller gym so everyone is pretty considerate. Great tips as usual!

  10. Please tell me you know that person that took away your weight from your machine!! Lmao I would be extremely furious if someone does that to me loool

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